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After 24 hours of travel, and of that 13 hour flight, we finally arrived in Orlando. Coming here and first impressions were veeeery impressive.
From the Rosen Campus where we are located, which looks fantastic, to the University which is a huge complex.

career services

We had a chance to talk with  Dr. Bill Blank, which held an introductory presentation about the Career  Services Center, and then we had a tour around the center. What is particularly interesting about this center is that its construction was with 99% of resources funded by students.   They dispose enviable capacities of the rooms for meetings, conferences, interviews, simulation, etc. The aim of this center is to better prepare students for the job market (it would be great if we had in our faculty, at least something like that).

We also had the honor to meet Dr. Maribeth Ehaz, Vice President of Student Development and Enrollment Services, which  explained us in details how the individual departments of UCF work. It is also interesting that they founded on the initiative of the students the Pantry which collects a variety of things from food to other necessities, which are available to all students who may be contained in a difficult situation.
 What also impressed me is the whole spirit of the university and community that stands on every corner, especially the logo of the University which is everywhere.


University looks so good that it felt like it was on vacation and we were wondering how the students even can concentrate on learning: D.
It was our first visit to the University and we are already very inspired and full of ideas and concepts that we want to realize on our faculty. I'm looking forward to the next day which is free, and we will visit some great places but I'l talk  about that tomorrow ... : D

In the end another picture of Rosen Campus where we are located so you can better enter the spirit of the story :)


After 24 hours of travel, and of that 13 hour flight, we finally arrived in Orlando. Coming here and first impressions were veeeery impressive.
From the Rosen Campus where we are located, which looks fantastic, to the University which is a huge complex.
To you  might present this a little better you can see the next video :))

Hello! :)

I'm Alenka and in the period from 7 to 19 March I will stay at the University of Central Florida in Orlando. There I will present my research entitled "Human Rights and ICT - Comparison of American and Croatian Students." Also I will be giving a presentation on the Croatian education system.

I am convinced that this will be the best 11 days of my life! :)

Altough preparation of my research and organizing trip were quite exhausting I'm sure it will all pay off. I'm very excited and can not wait to start all :)

So, at the next contest sign up and experience the adventure of your life :)) Adventure of team 2013 you can follow right here on our blogs :))


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