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FOI Students@UCF 2011

Katarina Pažur, Alen Delić, Matija Kapić, Jelena Kljaković-Gašpić and Ivor Šebalj visited the University of Central Florida in Orlando, USA. They presented their researches at the Information Fluency Conference 2011" and visited Miami, Universal Studio, Nasa Kennedy Space Center and many other interesting places. 
Part of their experiences are explained at the following documents.

jankovic@marko-jankovic1.from.hr info@marko-jankovic1.from.hr admin@marko-jankovic1.from.hr markec@marko-jankovic1.from.hr mj@marko-jankovic1.from.hr glavni@marko-jankovic1.from.hr marijana-tkalec1.from.hr web.marijana-tkalec1.from.hr www.marijana-tkalec1.from.hr marko-jankovic1.from.hr www.marko-jankovic1.from.hr www.marko-jankovic1.from.hr ivan@rupica.org boris@rupica.org ana@rupica.org thomas@rupica.org www.rupica.org