Day 4
Our fourth day at UCF we spent in the company of wonderful people that we have had the honor to meet and learn a lot of useful information from them.
First, us maintain presentation Meg Scharf, Associate Director for Public Services, and Laila Miletic-Vejzović, Special Collections & University Archives, and instructed us the functioning of their library system.
After the first presentation we had the great honor to have lunch with Dr. Elliot Vittes, Interim Vice Provost and Dean of Undergraduate Studies, and Dr. Rick Schell, Vice President and Chief of Staff, with whom we were talking about our relationship, experiences, future plans and even agreed on some future projects.
After meeting with them, us gave a presentation Chris Legoullon, ISC Recruiting Coordinator, and Mark Hartman, ISC Associate Director, who told us about all the programs that the University offers to students. The presentation was very inspiring, and I personally really liked the way in which the business is linked with entertainment content.
At the end of our day we had a meeting with Angelo Cardecom, Director, Office of International Studies, who answered the questions that we have had.
So passed another day where we met a lot of interesting people who are despite very high positions incredibly approachable, communicative and friendly. They expressed a great desire to continue this cooperation and to implement some new projects for which we are very excited.