Disney World, overall experiences and final goodbyes
Our last day in Florida was reserved for the ultimate Disney park – Disney World! This experience woke up and shook up everyone’s inner child and made it come out to play! It was impressive to experience Disney World which is as big as one city, with its 7 different theme parks and amazing logistics employing over 28.000 of workers. Impressive! The entire “Disney story” is indeed an admirable entrepreneurial endeavor that combined opportunity, idea and great amount of dedication.
Final ceremony in Disney world ends with an astonishing fireworks which lasts for 20 minutes and an electronic parade of all Disney characters. It was definitely a place to be!
After this magical experience, we had to go back to Rosen campus and to start packing. It was really hard to say goodbye to all those amazing experiences and people who welcomed us, but our exchange was coming to an end.
I would like to say thanks to several institutions and persons who helped create this personal and professional development experience possible! They are: University of Zagreb, Faculty of Organization and Informatics, UCF McNair Scholars program and to our friend from McNair, especially to Michael Aldarondo-Jeffries, the director of the McNair program and to his McNair scholars who were our friends and our guides throughout this exchange!
With our bags packed with souvenirs, our minds with knowledge and amazing memories, our hearts with wonderful feelings we set our way to Croatia to spread the word about this amazing exchange that we had the privilege to participate in!
Thank you, you wonderful people for being our friends!