Day 4
After previous exciting day we woke up very early and vas anxious to se
what we will experience next.
First thing that we get to see was UCF l library there we met mrs. Laila Miletić and mrs. Meg Scharf and they gave us a tour around library and demonstrated search engine that they use for searching their library archive. They have quite large collection of books so we even find some authors
form our faculty - professor Miroslav Žugaj.
After visit to the wonderful library we had lunch and discussions about our future plans and experiences with Dr. Elliot Vittes, Interim Vice Provost and Dean of Undergraduate Studies, and Dr. Rick Schell, Vice President and Chief of Staff.
Later that day we visited Office of International Studies where we met Chris Legoullon -ISC Recruiting Coordinator, Mark Hartman - ISC Associate Director and Angelo Cardecom - Director, Office of International Studies. They gave us presentation about their international students on UCF and what do we have to do to enroll into their college.