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After a busy Friday, Saturday was reserved for a visit to the Disney World. It's hard to describe the experience, the organization of the park, the kindness of the people and happiness that you can feel on every corner. It was definitely a fun experience, the best in my whole life. Pictures below speak louder than words .... :)


 Kennedy Space Center - Mission for Sunday. Together with McNair students, we went to a place where the vision of man in the universe was created and it is still developing today. Simulation of a missile launch, then instructional film about the way the Apollo 13 went on the Moon and many other things and for a moment I thought that I was part of an expedition to travel beyond Earth's orbit. NASA center is an amazing place to look the world from a different perspective. Innovation, technology and research are key factors which enabled people to be part of the unimaginable things.
It is interesting that the system of McNair scholarships who spent time with us during our stay in Orlando was named after the one of the astronauts who tragically died on the launch of one of the spacecraft into the space. In his honor, a program was established and it helps excellent students in achieving their academic goals. I would like to thank everybody from MCNair for being great company in Orlando. It was really nice to meet those amazing people and I hope they will come to the Croatia soon.



An incredible day is behind us. The UCF campus has around 60,000 students and in fact, it is like a small town. Meeting new people, volunteering, but of course the presentation of research are just a few highlights of the day. After walking around campus and getting to know the main facilities, it was the time for presenting. People are so friendly and kind to immediately feel like you're at home, so we were very confident while presenting.
The title of my research is The importance of digital information in the international environment. I’ve decided for this topic because I think that students today are surrounded with a lot of digital information and it is important to recognize what is important in a sea of ​​potential knowledge.


Next on the schedule was a meeting with Mr. Elliot Videos (Interim Vice Provost & Dean for undergraduate students at UCF). A Pleasant conversation in which we discussed education in Croatia and the United States, customs, and as well as past and present experiences of exchange students with a strong vision of the continuation and expansion for future cooperation. We agreed that the benefits of this type of exchange are priceless. Networking students from different continents and countries is crucial for the creation of new ideas and a stronger knowledge society in which ICT has applications in every area.


Next stop: volunteering. We cleaned the MC Nair road. It was fun and useful to volunteer, and after our work, everything was clean. In addition to cleaning, we had the opportunity to meet social self-service for students, which is well designed at UCF.
 Also, we’ve visited UCF training center that is in full compliance with the saying: Mens Sana in corpore sano. The first day we finished dinner at the campus and went to sleep early to be ready for Disney World adventure. More About Disney's adventures in the next post ... :)...


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