Our morning began with a tour of the university campus. It's amazing how large the campus is. The University has five principles that you can see in the photo.
After the tour, we had an opportunity to listen a round table and a discussion between Kate Mulgrew and Brian Greene on the difference between the STEM disciplines (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics) and art that has been anything but boring with a touch of humor.
We then presented our research to students at the McNair UCF program who carefully listened our presentations and made an useful discussion afterwards.
It was a pleasure in the end to visit the Director of Interdisciplinary Studies Dr. Elliot Vittes. He made a great expression to us by sharing his thoughts about the University at which he had been for more than 20 years.
In the photo (below) you can see the logo of the University of Central Florida. A story related to the logo says you should not step on it if you want to graduate.
After having all the presentations and meetings we had an opportunity to volunteer at the campus.
It is very interesting how Orlando has a voluntary organization similar to our social supermarket, and is called "The Pantry". Volunteers are agricultural students, who take care of the garden and then share the products with students with needs.
We arrived in Orlando on Thursday 09.04. after 21h. At the airport we were greeted by Alen Delić (former student of FOI) and Michael Jeffries (Director of McNair TRIO University of Central Florida).
We were greeted with a inscription "Welcome Home" which you can see in the photograph. These inscription has its own history, and it started with the cooperation between FOI and McNair TRIO University of Central Florida. Namely, when students of the FOI in 2010 came to America, they were welcomed with that inscription. Then the inscription were given to FOI students who welcomed students from the America when they arrived to Croatia. Transference of the inscription has became a tradition.