So the long awaited day when we pack out things finally arrived. Can't remember when I was this excited! There were two stops planned on our way to Orlando, FL - Amsterdam, NL and Detroit, MI.
We crossed a huge distance! Over 7000 km (4000 mi) in just under 24 hours! The trip did take its toll, but interestingly enough I never felt the length of the trip, we even had a chance to take a nap on the really comfortable transatlantic flight!
Finally, we landed in Orlando, Florida at 10:40 PM local time, were we received a warm welcome, not only by the almost tropical Florida climate, but by our host Michael Aldarondo-Jeffries, the postbaccalaureate achievement program director, and FOI alumni Alen Delić. They greeted us with the, how Prof Violeta Vidaček-Hainš explained it, now almost traditional sign "Welcome home!" - Dobrodošli kući!