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Our last day at UCF again followed a big surprise and we visited Disneyland. We spent the whole day there and we had really a lot of fun and that was the best way to conclude our stay at the University of Central Florida.

 The penultimate day we visited the Kennedy Space Center with which UCF is also working in the field of experiential learning and other activities.


The eighth day of our stay our hosts have prepared a big surprise for us and arranged the trip to Miami. So we had the opportunity to learn a little more about their culture and way of life.


So the day came when we presented UCF  our research, as well as our country, and faculty.
The first presentation I gave was about the Croatian education system where I have tried to explain briefly how it works in Croatia. Actually, I told them about the preschool, elementary school through to higher education in order to get a more complete picture of the entire system.


Another presentation that I gave was my research entitled "Human Rights and ICT - comparison of American and Croatian students" where I tried to show what the situation is with informing students about human rights, especially human rights in aspect of ICT. I compared the results of American and Croatian students and arrive to the conclusion that the information are at a fairly low level, and that despite the great geographical distance students' opinions and ideas of both countries are quite similar.

The sixth day was again very labor intensive because we had a lot of meetings and we met very interesting people.
The first person we met today was Dr. Cecilia Milanese who has presented her book.


Then we had a great honor to meet Ambassador Harriet L. Elam-Thomas, which  personally really impressed me because of its ease of access and kindness toward us. We shared some life experiences with her as she with us, and we came up with new ideas so that we can establish some new forms of cooperation.


Then we on the Information Fluency Conference had the opportunity to listen the presentation of Creative Interdisciplinary Approaches to Developing Student's Information Fluency where we also had the opportunity to hear some new ideas that we can apply.

Despite our tight schedule, we found the time, and even more will, to be committed to the small volunteer activities at the University.
So we visited a number of stands that students had to which they provide information about what exactly is involved. So we get some suggestions and ideas on how to improve our current system of volunteering at the Faculty and what more we could include in it. To me personally, that was my favorite part of this day, because it is always an extremely good feeling in one place to meet so many people that make beautiful things  together and create a tremendous amount of positive energy.

So the day came when we presented UCF   our research, as well as our country, and faculty.
The first presentation I gave was about the Croatian education system where I have tried to explain briefly how it works in Croatia. Actually, I told them about the preschool, elementary school through to higher education in order to get a more complete picture of the entire system.

Another presentation that I gave was my research entitled "Human Rights and ICT - comparison of American and Croatian students" where I tried to show what the situation is with informing students about human rights, especially human rights in aspect of ICT. I compared the results of American and Croatian students and arrive to the conclusion that the information are at a fairly low level, and that despite the great geographical distance students' opinions and ideas of both countries are quite similar.

The fifth day of our stay we had the time and opportunity to see a little more detail what it looks like the University of Central Florida. We had a personal guide Vu Tran who has very kind  and with lot of enthusiasm presented us University and some of his curiosities.

Among these curiosities is Spirit Splash which has been organized for many years. Interesting part is that the students otherwise during the year must not enter into the fountain, and that is the only day when they do it.How does it looks like you can see in the following video

Our fourth day at UCF we spent in the company of wonderful people that we have had the honor to meet and learn a lot of useful information from them.
 First, us maintain presentation Meg Scharf, Associate Director for Public Services, and Laila Miletic-Vejzović, Special Collections & University Archives, and instructed us the functioning of their library system.

After the first presentation we had the great honor to have lunch with Dr. Elliot Vittes, Interim Vice Provost and Dean of Undergraduate Studies, and Dr. Rick Schell, Vice President and Chief of Staff, with whom we were talking about our relationship, experiences, future plans and even agreed on some future projects.


After meeting with them, us gave a presentation Chris Legoullon, ISC Recruiting Coordinator, and Mark Hartman, ISC Associate Director, who told us about all the programs that the University offers to students. The presentation was very inspiring, and I personally really liked the way in which the business is linked with entertainment content.

At the end of our day we had a meeting with Angelo Cardecom, Director, Office of International Studies, who answered the questions that we have had. 
So passed another day where we met a lot of interesting people who are despite very high positions  incredibly approachable, communicative and friendly. They expressed a great desire to continue this cooperation and to implement some new projects for which we are very excited.

The third day, as it was Sunday, our hosts surprised us with a trip to the theater to watch the musical Wicked. After seeing the musical, we spent a pleasant afternoon with students from McNair.


Our second day at the University of Central Florida was conducted at the amusement park Universal where we combined business with pleasure. Specifically, students of UCF perform their practice at Universal as UCF is also known for hospitality management.


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