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Still being in a good mood after the amazing day of research presentations and Information Fluency conference, we couldn’t even imagine what lay ahead of us the next day… We were thrilled when our generous hosts told us that they have a surprise for us and that it is a trip to Miami which is only an hour away from Cuba and Bahamas! 


In the entrance to Miami, it was impressive to see spectacular city skyline, amazing weather and landscape just like in movies who have “taught” us so far about these wonderful sites of the world. Even though we didn’t stay in Miami for too long, because of other commitments, we had the opportunity to take a swim in the ocean and to get a nice tan (sunburn :)) by lying on this amazing sand beach. We also took a walk through the city, first handedly experiencing the American and Spanish culture at the same time. 


This unforgettable experience made me go through my movie and series database, find the ones about Miami and to watch them all over again! Only this time, when watching the Miami scenery, I will proudly say: “Yep, I was there!” :)

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