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First official day of our exchange started with a tour of the UCF campus which is really impressive, both in size and content. There are more than 60.000 students on this campus who are enrolled in one of 30 study programs and everything is situated in the area whose size would make a small city very proud.


We have visited several institutions; however I would dedicate special attention to one of them, Experiental Learning & Career Learning Services which supports students in their professional and academic orientation. We had the opportunity to hear from the first hand about “how it is done in UCF”. Students can attend various expert counseling, get educated about how to write a resume and how to get prepared for a job interview etc. Several facts about this institution:

  • building of the new venue had a cost of 8,5 million dollars and 99% of the funds was given by students of the UCD
  • potential employers have job interviews with students within the institution
  • students are encouraged to take internships in the duration up to 3 semesters
  • 80% of the students who do the internships get employed right after they graduate

 In the conversation with the Vice President of the University, dr Maribeth Ehaz, we found out a lot about the way of students’ life, their engagement in student activities and student life in general. What I found particularly interesting and impressive is really high level of dedication and commitment which is invested by a student in volunteering, helping other colleagues and  general contribution to the wellbeing of the University through charity work, outstanding affection towards the institution and various different aspects of studying in UCF.


Our second official day started in a more relaxed note with additional familiarizing with American culture and the way their educational system works. In my previous blog, I have mentioned that here in UCF, students have the opportunity to utilize well developed internship program which is implemented in their class system.


With that in mind, one of more popular study programs is Hospitality Management which specializes students for management in various touristic sectors. Some of the students do their internships in a theme park Universal Studios which is impressive both in size and content. We decided to combine work with pleasure so we went there to see experience from the first-hand how they do their internships and to try out many fun rides and rollercoasters. It is an understatement to say “you should have DEFINITELY been there”! :)

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